
أختار اللغة

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الشركات المميزة

Mid Contracting Company

نظرة عامة

MID Contracting is classified by The Ministry of Public Works & Housing of Jordan as a First Class General Contractor in:
1. Buildings Construction
2. Electro-mechanical works and Renewable Energy
3. Water and Sewerage networks and systems
4. Roads Construction
5. Concrete Works/ Bridges and Intersections & Tunnels
6. Earth Works/ Excavation and Mining
7. Decor works, Finishing and Furnishing
8. Telecommunication Networks
MID Contracting is also a registered and active member of the Jordan Construction Contractors Association (JCCA).

المنتجات والخدمات

Buildings Construction Electromechanical works and Renewable Energy Water and Sewerage networks and systems Roads Construction Concrete Works/ Bridges and Intersections & Tunnels Earth Works/ Excavation and Mining Decor works, Finishing and Furnishing Telecommunication Networks

الرجاء اكمال النموذج ادناه لمراسة المورد

البريد الإلكتروني
ادخل محتوى الرسالة الحد الاعلى 600 حرف