
أختار اللغة

دخول | تسجيل جديد

الشركات المميزة

MPI - Multi Power International

  • العنوان

    Malik Mahmood St. Vania Palace, Floor 7, Apt 2

  • الموبايل


نظرة عامة

Three engineers combined their different areas of expertise to initiate MultiPower International© (MPI©) in 2000. Over time our company became a multi-disciplined engineering company to endure the most unforeseen part of the world and that is Iraq. MPI© is a family business and we believe that well-run family businesses endeavor for stability, commitment, flexibility and long-term outlook. Everyone who joins the MPI© becomes immediately a part of our culture, standing together in good and hard times. Overcoming the challenges in any circumstances to deliver efficient services while using today’s technology.

المنتجات والخدمات

معدات كهربائية محركات كهربائية انظمة انذار الحريق

الرجاء اكمال النموذج ادناه لمراسة المورد

البريد الإلكتروني
ادخل محتوى الرسالة الحد الاعلى 600 حرف