
أختار اللغة

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تفاصيل ومرفقات العطاء

Framework Agreement for Supplying Shelter Kits for Gaza Emergency Response

Framework Agreement for Supplying Shelter Kits for Gaza Emergency Response عطاء
الجهة الناشرة
منظمة العمل ضد الجوع / المكتب الاقليمي  

تاريخ النشر
الموعد النهائي
# المرفقات الامتداد
مرفق 1 مشاهدة
مرفق 2 مشاهدة


“Framework Agreement for Supplying Shelter Kits for Gaza Emergency Response”
Reference: FD-ME-00029

Action Against Hunger or “ACF” is a registered charity, founded in 1979. ACF operates in 37 countries. The international network of ACF is represented in Paris, London, Madrid, New York, and Montreal. Teams in the field combat hunger on four fronts: nutrition, food security, health, water, and sanitation.
Action Against Hunger-Jordan MERO Office intends to invite suppliers to submit offers for the Framework Agreement for Supplying Shelter Kits for Gaza Emergency Response
The purpose of this request for quotation is to solicit a competitive offer and identify qualified suppliers with who establish Framework Agreement Contracts for the period of six months with the possibility of extension for additional 6 months
This framework agreement is divided into three lots, allowing suppliers to submit bids for either each lot or all of them.
- Lot 1: Shelter Non-Food Items
- Lot 2: Shelter Tents
- Lot 3 : Shelter Construction Items

The RFQ documents can be retrieved from the March 12th 2024 to March 28th 2024 by one of the below options:
-Sending an email to supplychain@iq-actionagainsthunger.org requesting the tender package.
-Visiting Action Against Hunger (ACF) MERO office in Amman city, located in Al Shmeisani, Satee Hussari St, Al Anshasi building #28

Clarifications/Questions and Answers:
Should you have questions about this Bidding process due to specific instructions and the form of the document, please contact us before March 28th 2024 via email to: supplychain@iq-actionagainsthunger.org

Bidding Submission Deadline:
The deadline for submitting completed bids is March 28th 2024 at 15:00 Jordan Local Time.
Action Against Hunger (ACF) reserves the right to accept or reject any part of, or the entire tender in accordance with internal procedures.

الشركات المميزة تبحث عن شريك لتقديم عطاء على هذه المناقصة؟

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