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GMO 2024- SYA 2158- ISHA Final evaluation

GMO 2024- SYA 2158- ISHA Final evaluation عطاء
الجهة الناشرة

تاريخ النشر
الموعد النهائي
اعادة طرح


Tender Title: GMO is seeking an individual, team, or firm to design and lead an external, summative final performance evaluation of the Investing in Syrian Humanitarian Action (ISHA) program as one of the main activities within the program scope and will cover the last phase of it. The final evaluation will focus on exploring the extent to which GMO achieved the program’s goals and how GMO might continue to use this experience in supporting Syrian civil society and promoting localization approaches across programming. The purpose is to look at ISHA’s performance in accordance with the contractual commitments and original objectives and the program’s overall achievements, strengths and weaknesses. An additional purpose of the final evaluation is to capture additional learning opportunities which can contribute to the broader dialogue about empowering local actors in humanitarian responses, both in Syria and similar contexts. Key findings and recommendations of the final evaluation will be shared with ISHA’s stakeholders, including Track 1 CSO partners, within GMO globally, with BHA and other key donors, and through other appropriate forums to disseminate the lessons learned to the broader donor and humanitarian response communities.

Opening date: 4 September 2024.
Closing Date: 10 September 2024, at 17:00 PM Jordan Time


Tender Notice

GMO is seeking an individual, team, or firm to design and lead an external, summative final performance evaluation of the Investing in Syrian Humanitarian Action (ISHA) program as one of the main activities within the program scope and will cover the last phase of it. The final evaluation will focus on exploring the extent to which GMO achieved the program’s goals and how GMO might continue to use this experience in supporting Syrian civil society and promoting localization approaches across programming. The purpose is to look at ISHA’s performance in accordance with the contractual commitments and original objectives and the program’s overall achievements, strengths and weaknesses. An additional purpose of the final evaluation is to capture additional learning opportunities which can contribute to the broader dialogue about empowering local actors in humanitarian responses, both in Syria and similar contexts. Key findings and recommendations of the final evaluation will be shared with ISHA’s stakeholders, including Track 1 CSO partners, within GMO globally, with BHA and other key donors, and through other appropriate forums to disseminate the lessons learned to the broader donor and humanitarian response communities.

Our INGO is seeking qualified providers with a proven background in this area.
If you are interested in submitting a bid, you will need to complete the attached Intent to Bid and submit it according to the guidelines below:

Completed Intent to Bid Form must be submitted to Mercy Corps by September 10, 2024, at 17:00 by sending an email of completed Intent to Bid to: procurement1@gmoprogram.org with the Tender Reference number in the email subject line.
After the closing date of this Tender Notice, the Request for Bid will be sent to the vendors who submitted Intent to Bid Forms. The Request for Bid will be sent according to your preference in the Intent to Bid Form.
Please make sure to sign, and stamp your intent to Bid.

Kindly announce it and confirm whenever its published within tenderJo, for our reference.

Appreciating your efforts,
GMO team

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