
أختار اللغة

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تفاصيل ومرفقات العطاء

Invitation for Bid No.: FD-IRB-00413 - Supply and Rehabilitation of Indoor Household WASH Facilities in Ramtha and Sahel Houran in Irbid Governorate

Invitation for Bid No.: FD-IRB-00413 - Supply and Rehabilitation of Indoor Household WASH Facilities in Ramtha and Sahel Houran in Irbid Governorate عطاء
الجهة الناشرة
منظمة العمل لمكافحة الجوع - ACF  

تاريخ النشر
الموعد النهائي
# المرفقات الامتداد
مرفق 1 مشاهدة
مرفق 2 مشاهدة
مرفق 3 مشاهدة
مرفق 4 مشاهدة


Action Against Hunger (ACF) and the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) are International Non-Governmental Organizations implementing humanitarian aid programs for refugees and Jordanian host communities in Jordan.

ACF and NRC with funds from the Agence Française de Développement (AFD) are currently soliciting bids from qualified and eligible suppliers and contractors for the procurement and installation of a miscellaneous list of water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) equipment for the rehabilitation of indoor households with their necessary related installation in Ramtha and Sahel Houran in Irbid Governorate.

Participation in tendering is open to international companies and local Jordanian companies. International companies and/or Jordanian companies are free to associate themselves in any form of association including joint venture (JV). Jordanian companies must satisfy the minimum classification as First Grade in “Building Construction” and/or “Building Maintenance” as per the Ministry of Public Works and Housing, Government Tenders Department (GTD) classification system.
Interested eligible bidders may request the Bidding Documents from the Logistics Department of ACF by sending an email to this address: tender@jo-actionagainsthunger.org
Bids must be delivered in hard copy to ACF’s office located in Al Shamisani, Abdul Hameed Badis Street, building No. 55, ground floor on or before 16:00 Hours Amman time on Sunday, 29th of October 2023
Bids will be opened in public and in the presence of bidders’ representatives who choose to attend at 11:00 Hours Amman Time on Monday 30th of October 2023 at the offices of ACF
A supplier information session will be held at the Action Against Hunger Offices on Sunday, 1st of October 2023 at 11:00 Hours Amman time.
Further information and instructions to bidders can be found in the bidding documents
Email Address Had been Correct
** Q&A document added

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