
أختار اللغة

دخول | تسجيل جديد

تفاصيل ومرفقات العطاء

Acted Regional Office - Call for Auction - Office Chairs Selling

Acted Regional Office - Call for Auction - Office Chairs Selling مزاد علني
الجهة الناشرة

تاريخ النشر
الموعد النهائي
# المرفقات الامتداد
مرفق 1 مشاهدة
مرفق 2 مشاهدة
مرفق 3 مشاهدة
مرفق 4 مشاهدة
مرفق 5 مشاهدة


Dear Sir/Madam,

Hope this Email finds you well,

ACTED is pleased to invite you to submit your offer for buying office chairs as the attached RFQ documents.

The interested buyers shall consider the following when sending their offers:

o The Auction documents will be available to all prospective participants from Thursday, August 15,2024, until Wednesday, August 28,2024 at 17:00 pm (Amman time) which is the closing date of the Auction.
o The interested participants can send their questions or request to check the chairs physically via Email to Nour Salah nour.salahaldeen@acted.org while keeping hamzeh.alnajjar@acted.org in Cc, ACTED reserves the right to set the time and date of the visit which will be shared with the requester via email.
o All participants shall fill, sign, and return PRO-06.3 BIDDERS CHECKLIST.
o All participants shall fill, sign, and return the Offer Form according to ACTED’s format.
o All participants shall fill, sign, and return the present Instruction to Bidders
o Submission of an offer is not a guarantee of being awarded a contract and ACTED is not responsible for any costs or expenses incurred by Participants for the preparation and submission of the offer.
o All offers shall be submitted in hardcopy sealed envelope with due consideration to the following:
Address: 238 C, 5th floor, Arar street, Wadi Saqra, Amman, Jordan
Attention: Logistics Department.
Envelope must be sealed; Name of the participant shall be written on the envelope.

Best regards,

Nour Salah

Logistics Assistant - WOS

Acted | Act today | Invest in tomorrow
Saqra Building, 238A Arar Street (entrance C – 2nd floor), Wadi Saqra, Amman, JORDAN.
Call +962 (0) 771043420

الشركات المميزة تبحث عن شريك لتقديم عطاء على هذه المناقصة؟

 نحن نبذل قصارى جهدنا لتقديم معلومات صحيحة ودقيقة، ولكن لا يمكننا ان نضمن ان جميع المعلومات المقدمة خالية من الاخطاء. انقر هنا اذا كان لديك اية اقتراحات او ملاحظات